Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Of snowboarding

It was 6:45 am. The familiar sqawk of my alarm jolted me out of my sleep. Reaching over I slammed my fist down hard on top of the plastic 'snooze' button then rolled over and buried my head into my pillow. Exactly nine minutes later, my dad (the second alarm) opened the door and told me to get up. It was Monday, the day I was to go snowboarding. In just a few minutes, my bag was packed, breakfast eaten, and I was heading out to the car. My Dad, on his way to work, dropped me off at the Richard's house where I stayed for about thirty minutes while waiting for the Richard family to finish breakfast. After doing so, we piled into the car (everyone except Mrs. Richard) and drove to the slopes.

Upon arriving, we paid our dues and headed towards the back for rentals. Including a lift ticket, rentals, and an hour long lesson, the final price was about $26. (Not bad) After squeezing into our huge boots, Daniel and I walked outside for the lesson.

The next hour was painful. Very painful. Our instructor was patient, but I was beginning to tire of falling every time I went down the hill. I wasn't the only one though. Aside from Daniel and myself, there were about 5 other people in the group, (Including two adults) all doing as bad as we were. (How comforting...) After the lesson was over, Daniel and I went inside to shed our jackets (the temperature was around 45 degrees) and rent helmets for the day.

After lunch, our balance (yeah, thats the key ingredient) was perfected, and it became easier to stay up on the board. Having gotten tired of the bunny hill, we went on to more difficult slopes. The more we practiced, the better we got. By the end of the day, I could easily cruise down the hill without falling down.

Looking back on it, I wouldn't really want to go back to skiing. Now that I've gotten past my 'first day' of snowboarding, I'm addicted. There'll be another home school day on March 2nd. As far as I know, I'll be there.

Oh, and Happy Valentines Day.

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