Monday, February 26, 2007

Of school, The Office Season 2, and websites

Hey everyone,

I know, its been a while. Usually, I can keep up with blogging, but with recent school assignments and activities, I've lagged behind.

So, whats been happening? Well, on the entertainment side, my family finished season two of 'The Office.' During the past few weeks, we've watched a few episodes here and there. I have to say, its now my favorite TV show. Yes, it has surpassed 'Lost.' Like I've said before, if you mind a bit of crude humor here and there, you'll absolutely love the show. Just be sure to start with season one though, its worth building upon.

Over the weekend, we obtained a copy of 'Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory' which we've been playing ever since. Its difficult, and tedious, but definitely a great game. Aside from playing video games, I did a bit of work on my website. I've upgraded my software and had a bit of fun with the new effects. Check it out:

During spring break, I'm going to completely revamp my website. Yeah, maybe I'm rushing things, but I cannot wait to give it a face lift! Its going to be fun.

On another note, I'm trying to decide whether to grow my hair out or not. Your opinion is needed:

Should I? Leave a comment with your opinion.

Signing off...

J. Drake

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