Saturday, February 3, 2007

Of organization, The Office, and Halo

Today, Saturday the 3rd of February, I took it upon myself to organize our VHS and DVD collection. The latter was crammed into a small wooden box where it had been ignored for over 6 years. Though daunting, I pulled them out, one by one, and displayed them on the floor. An hour later, here I am, sitting at the computer with every DVD and VHS in its place. What a good feeling...

Lately, my family has gotten into 'The Office.' (Click the link for more info) Somehow, my mom loves the show. After watching the first season on DVD, she's been quoting from it constantly. Mind you, my mom does not like TV shows or movies like the rest of us. For her to like 'The Office', and to quote from it, is extraordinary. I myself love the show. Yeah, there are a few inappropriate lines, but overall, the show is hilarious. For those of you who can wade past a few crass words, I strongly recommend watching 'The Office.'

Last night, I was playing my PC version of Halo 1. Somehow, somebody converted a bunch of Halo 2 maps (and weapons) and converted them for use in Halo 1 CE. (Custom Edition) If anyone has a copy of Halo (PC), let me know, and we'll have to game sometime.

Signing off...

J. Drake

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